running and health


Of all the different sports activities, running is certainly the simplest and most efficient. For engaging in this sport is enough to obtain a tracksuit and sneakers, and the advantage is of course is that you do not need to pay expensive fees to clubs and fitness facilities, but also no matter how simple it may looks, running has its own rules, which needs be taken.

Running is also the simplest and most cost-effective physical activity by which you will lose weight on a healthy way without starvation and will help you to tighten your body. In addition you will feel good and staying in the nature on the fresh air and sun.

It has been proven that running has a positive effect on our psyche because during the workout the hormone of happiness is secreted. But as for any physical activity and for running, we first need to prepare. This is especially true for those who were not being physically active for longer time.

We suggest you 13 tips on how to properly running:

  1. Select appropriate clothing

If you have decided going in the activity with running – first and foremost thing you should consider is the choice of clothes. Besides, according to the season and personal taste, the main criterion must be the comfort, otherwise, running can become much harder activity than is necessary.

running clothing

If the weather is warm, it is good to wear shorts, but not too short in order not to push and rub thighs and cause redness. On top enough is ordinary cotton T-shirt or T-shirt of modern synthetic fiber that does not absorb sweat, but allows normal evaporation of the skin during the activity.

For running at night best is to wear layered clothing, so you can remove a layer when it became hot.

  1. Sneakers

    running shoes

If at the time of running your footwear is not appropriate, you cannot use all the advantages offered by the running, and furthermore you risk and creating of minor injuries (trauma). Each time a foot touches the ground, all the joints of the ankle, knee and back are subjected to burden which is even 3-4 times of the body weight. Thanks to these sports shoes this hits are depreciated by reducing friction at every step. Especially running shoes must be flexible in bending.

  1. Go to the park

When you opt for jogging, choose a park rich in vegetation, or place away from city smog. During sports activities, breathing also is increased because of the increased need of oxygen to the body, and if the air is polluted, in the lungs enters greater amount of harmful particles that pollute the air. Therefore, it is best to go to quiet, green places.

running in park

If this is not possible then select at least places where there is less traffic. Among the most dangerous substances that pollute the air are those that are emitted from the exhaust of motor vehicles.

  1. Avoid running on asphalt

Running is a sport old as man it is, but human legs certainly were not scheduled to run on asphalt roads, so earthy and grassy terrain is very suitable places where feet more easily absorb the shocks. In today’s civilization prevailed far tougher terrain, so it is best to go to the park or forest, not just because of healthier unpaved terrain, but also due to better and quality air.

On such terrain is much less the danger of injuries such as damage caused by reduced amortization of shock and vibration to the joints and legs. Such constant blows can be harmful to your back. To avoid these things, the best is to have a quality pair of running shoes that can be found in all colors and models for every taste.

  1. Eat at least one hour before you run

Rule that applies always to all physical activities, and also for running, it is to never run or exercise with either empty or full stomach. It is best to consume the main meal 1-2 hours before running. Meal taken before running should contain carbohydrates (pasta, bread or cereals) because these things gradually release energy in the body, supplying it with energy for longer time.

  1. Warm up your muscles before running

To avoid the risk of sprains or other muscle injuries before you start running, it is important to spend 5-10 minutes on stretching exercises. Because the legs are the most involved while running, their stretching is especially important. Recommended exercises are very simple and should be done slowly and correctly, they are very important because in this way muscles are heated and injuries and painful cramps can be avoided during efforts. Moreover, it reduces the risk of muscle stiffness in the days after running.

  1. Select the tempo with which you will run

When you start running you should first check your condition. If the first ten meters left you left breathless, that means you have to master the technique of breathing. To reduce the effort it is required to inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth. As with any activity, it is important breathing mainly to be carried out through the nose. This way of breathing is important because on that way the temperature of the outside air is regulated before it enters the lungs. When the air is inhaled through the nose, it is moistened and heated, and thus avoids dryness of the mouth and throat.

how to run

  1. Drink fluids even when you are not thirsty

While running, as with any other vigorous exercise, the body due to sweating and evaporation loses a lot of fluids, so it is very important to replenish these fluids. Lost fluid can be compensated with water, unsweetened fruit juices or special energy drinks. While running, it is important to drink small sips of fluid, regardless of whether you feel thirsty, because when you feel thirsty, it is a sign that dehydration has already begun.

drinking fluids when running

  1. Techniques for properly running

You need to learn the technique of properly running. Always run fingers – heel. While running the upper body should be hold upright, and the view has to be directed a few meters ahead. Hands should be slightly bent at the elbows and to be moved relaxed by the body.

  1. Gradual in running

If you are beginner in the activity with jogging, especially if you have not dealt with some physical activity, do it gradually. In addition, like any physical activity, it is prior to consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of side effects of running or any physical activity on your health.

You can start with brisk walking, for 30 to 40 minutes several days and then you can run 5 minutes every day, for several days increased to 10 minutes, then 15, then 25 minutes … until you reach an hour of running per day.

If you experience too much effort it is good to slow down and continue to run for several minutes. No need to run every day, to stay in shape it is enough to run about 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week.

  1. Effectiveness

Many people think that running consumes more calories, which is true. But it’s not so simple when it comes to counting calories. Speed is an important factor.

If you run slowly, and go quickly, it means that the rapid walking will burn more calories. Also, if you are able to go long and run short, it is possible that walking will spend more calories. Experts say that for spending of calories the best is combination of running and walking.

  1. Nutrition

Running reduces the need for sweet because it reduces the level of insulin in the blood. But still, do not forget to provide the body enough power. Minerals and protein are necessary because they allow the body to function normally. Every day consume potatoes, cereals, bananas, raisins and nuts and yogurt. Regularly take vitamin C and drink plenty of water.

  1. Lose weight on a healthy way

People who regularly run after three months can forget the diet. One of the benefits that you can get by running is to lose excess weight. While running the proportion of enzymes that break down fat is increased from 10 to 80 percent. But you should know that you will not initially lose weight because new muscle tissue is heavier than fat deposits.


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