For Health And Good Sex Consume PUMPKIN

Pumpkin seeds, natural Viagra

The dispute over whether the pumpkin is a fruit or vegetable has been resolved with a compromise name fruity vegetable.

But what makes the pumpkin so special for our health?!

The soft part of the pumpkin contains many important elements, as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Pumpkin also contains vitamins from B group, but is the richest with provitamin A – beta carotene.

This plant is the body’s natural protection against the harmful effects of the environment.

pumpkin seeds
pumpkin seeds

But not only the soft part of the pumpkin, on the contrary, it has been proved that the seeds are the most useful part of the pumpkin, which among other medicinal properties, can be used as an aphrodisiac.

Some researchers even include pumpkin seeds in a “relationship” with Viagra. That is, they stabilize blood pressure and accelerate blood circulation. And it is these functions of the body that are the most important for a great sex life.

Except as aphrodisiac and as a natural protection against the harmful effects of the environment, the pumpkin can help with:

  • Overweight – Pumpkin is a wonderful tool for weight loss, because it is low calorie product. But unlike cabbage, radishes and other “harsh” representatives of the flora of your yard, it works really well on the gastrointestinal tract. That is, unlike the aforementioned vegetables, pumpkin can be eaten in large amounts without risk of gastritis or swelling of the abdomen.
  • Heart problems – pumpkin is a real cure for the heart. It has a strong diuretic effect and enriches the body with potassium. In hypertension and edema are advised to consume no less than 200 grams of pumpkin per day, regardless of the manner of its preparation.
  • Kidney disease – Pumpkin juice is very beneficial for the health of the urinary system. It is recommended for diseases of the kidneys and bladder: cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones. To prevent the organism prone to the formation of stones is good to maintain once on the 2-3 months 3-week treatment with pumpkin juice. He needs to drink once a day – 1 cup in the morning.

Pomegranate – Ancient Healthy Fruit

Pomegranate juice protects against prostate cancer and heart disease

Perhaps you noticed how widespread is pomegranate juice in commercial chains. Recently known as a cocktail ingredient for cooking, this fruit that comes from the Middle East, quickly acquired the status of healthy food.

The health benefits of pomegranate are significant. The survey results on its quality shows that a glass of pomegranate juice a day prevents prostate cancer in men.


Moreover conducted research has shown that pomegranate juice significantly slows the development of prostate cancer. Patients suffering from prostate cancer can slow the pace of spread of the cancer in the body.

Both pomegranate and the juice from this “priceless” fruit are recommended and for clinically healthy patients!

Pomegranate contains more antioxidants than any other fruit and 3 times more antioxidants than green tea or red wine. It is known that daily dose of pomegranate juice improves circulation and blood flow in patients with heart disease. Additionally pomegranate juice reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and is an excellent source of vitamin C and folic acid.

There are different types of pomegranate juice – natural, to which there are no added sweeteners, concentrate, which is diluted with water and bitter pomegranate juice, which is usually used for cooking.

So doctors recommend both lemon juice and water, which is commonly used as a means of cleansing the stomach to drink pomegranate juice – it will improve as a function of the heart muscle and the condition of the prostate in men.

pomegranate smoothie
pomegranate smoothie
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