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There are so many types of diets that people sometimes forget that losing weight comes down to two simple principles – healthy and proper nutrition and regular physical activity.

Of course, losing weight is far from a naive process, but we don’t need a “fancy” or magical diet to lose weight.

The basics of this process are monitoring caloric intake, increasing physical activity, eating healthy fats, whole grains and plant proteins.

Forget about highly restrictive, limiting diets and follow the principles of healthy eating and living (moderate meals, fresher, whole grain foods, legumes, nuts…, regular physical activity, controlled stress, good sleep).

By following these principles, you will be able to lose weight permanently.

Dos and Don’ts During the Weight Loss Process

You should not:

  • Feeling sad, sick or guilty.
  • To have a “cheat day” or a day when you will be “allowed” to eat unhealthy food in unlimited quantities.
  • To rely on “substitutions” for certain products.

Healthy” burgers, pancakes, pizzas with plant-based cheese, etc., are problematic because they rarely contain fewer calories and perpetuate the bad habit of consuming large amounts of empty calories.

         They create the illusion that you are consuming healthy food that will not only not contribute to weight gain, but is good for your health.”

  • Trying a diet because it worked for someone else.
  • Consuming alcohol or having a large meal right before going to bed.

Many people, especially those on any type of diet, place extremely irrational restrictions or limitations on some type of food.

This is not only nutritionally senseless – for example, eating raw quail eggs in the morning, eating canned “protein” sausages just to avoid “bad” carbs or not mixing carbs and protein – it is pointless from both a psychological and a sustainability point of view.

If someone constantly feels sad, nervous, depressed, and if they break the self-imposed “rule” and feel guilty, that is the definition of unsustainability.

Perhaps the most important principle of healthy weight loss is the possibility of sustainability.

Therefore, you should adopt a diet that is closest to your needs and tastes.

It is important to be known that the Mediterranean way of eating, in addition lot of awards from relevant institutions, received an award for the easiest long-term sustainable healthy diet.

Having such a diet, you will not need the so-called cheat days and you will learn to forgive your mistakes, because you are running a marathon, not a sprint.

The need for such days in which “everything will be allowed” means that you have a problem with what you limit yourself or you don’t realize that you really need to cut down on unhealthy food.

Such days have a bad effect on the psychological aspect, which is also important in the process of losing weight, but they also disrupt the rhythm of metabolism.

You need to:

  • To monitor the caloric intake, but also what you eat.
  • Pay attention to the size of the portions.
  • To read the composition of the products.
  • Eat all types of food.
  • To eat “consciously” and more slowly.
  • Have a smart dinner.

The latest research shows that people who spend at least 10 minutes a day, thinking about what they eat and in what quantities, are more successful in the process of losing weight.

Monitoring what you eat makes you more aware of how healthy you are eating, but also how many calories you are consuming.

This initially involves reading nutrition and calorie labels and/or entering meals into specific smartphone apps applications.

Writing on a sheet is also an option.

Over time, you will build a sense of which foods have how much energy and nutritional value, and you will not need to constantly read labels and enter into applications.

You will also see your eating pattern and where you are going wrong, so you will need less and less time to successfully manage your meals and snacks throughout the day.

When it comes to weight loss and weight control, portion size control is extremely important.

Don’t skip meals, have more smaller meals.

We also mentioned the intake of all kinds of food, and here we mean food rich in any macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, fats.

Each of them has its own role in the organism and is essential (necessary).

Avoiding carbs may help with weight loss, but not for long.

Complex carbohydrates should be the basis of a healthy diet, and of course healthy fats and vegetable proteins also come in here.

Fat is not necessarily our enemy. There are many bad, bad, but also and good fats too.

Read more about the most common lies about carbohydrate foods here.

Research shows that what is meant by slow and conscious eating, without distractions, leads to the intake of fewer calories and a better feeling of satiety – very important in the process of losing weight.

When we say mindful eating, we mean eating with attention and intention.

Eating with the intention of taking care of ourself and eating mindfully when we’re full, but also the enjoyment of food is a really significant part of what is meant by healthy eating.

By eating consciously and mindfully, you will not only help yourself to better health and more efficient digestion, but you will also:

  • learn to enjoy the flavors of food.
  • realize that junk food is not that tasty as it worked for you before and that it makes you feel uncomfortable after eating.
  • notice which products have a bad effect on your mood and energy level, and maybe also those that have a positive effect on you.
  • lose weight – you’ll get full faster.

Effective Tips for Healthy & Lasting Weight Loss
Safe For Later – Effective Tips for Healthy & Lasting Weight Loss