Raw Food Detox
Today every grocery stores are full with junk food we happily put in our carts and most of these are full of unhealthy fats, processed sugars and preservatives. Since many of us aren’t too concerned about the kinds of foods we eat, toxins inevitably build up in our bodies. Though it may look like the newest diet trend detox isn’t meant for weight loss. Your organs have been working hard to eliminate these harmful substances so it’s time to give them a helping hand by detoxing.

Image source: Flickr
Why raw?
There are many detox plans out there but raw food will give you the full nourishment your body has been missing. When you cook food you destroy most of the original nutrients like protein and vitamins. Processing diminishes the nourishing value of food so pasteurised milk, canned goods and especially junk food are mostly calories with a small amount of natural food benefits that keep your immune system running smoothly.

Image source: Flickr
The breakdown
The detox is supposed to last for seven days during this time it’s important not to introduce more toxic materials into your body, so your meal plan is to be followed to a tee. The idea is to completely cleanse your body from the harmful toxins by eating foods that did not have their structure altered by cooking or chemicals. You will have to give up on cooked food cold turkey in order for the detox to be effective. Alcohol, dairy, coffee, cigarettes, grains, sweeteners, sugar and maple syrup are to be avoided at all cost.
Bonus tips for successful detoxing
In the morning start drinking lemon juice with warm water to clean your digestive track. Also, your body will have a hard time digesting foods that have been wolfed down so be sure to chew your food properly. To speed up the cleansing drink three litres of fluid a day, this includes pure spring water, herbal teas and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juice. I made sure to keep my hamper here in Sydney full of fresh fruits and vegetables for whenever I felt thirsty. Exercise vigorously at least an hour a day and make sure you sweat to get those toxins out. Exfoliate once a day to increase skin detoxification and improve circulation. Also, it’s a good idea to keep your stress low so try meditating for 15 minutes a day.
Image source: Flickr
Withdrawal symptoms
Just like any junky, be prepared to feel the repercussions of toxins leaving your body during the first few days. Headaches are usually the sign of sugar and caffeine withdrawal. Onions and garlic can lower the high blood pressure syndrome caused from cooked fats and protein. Feeling cold is another symptom that subsided fairly quickly. If you feel your heart racing this means your body is eliminating drugs from your body. Tummy aches, diarrhea and constipation are all signs that your body is healing and cleansing itself. Bloating and gassiness are normal because you are eating vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower that our bodies have difficulty digesting, so remember to drink mint tea to conquer bloating. Expect to feel enormous craving and fight them, also irritability is a common symptom as well.