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7 Reasons Why We Should Include Figs In Our Diet

Figs come from Egypt and were used in the nutrition for a long, long time ago. Fresh figs can be found only a short period of the year, but dried figs and jam’s prepared from them, can replace sugar in many recipes for delicious cookies.

Fig is a fruit that contains 80% water, but also contains the most sugar in itself that makes it fruit that provides a lot of energy that stimulates brain function, concentration and memory.

healthy figs
healthy figs

In ancient times the fig tree was considered as a holy fruit, so people grew it and consumed it regularly. Experts stress that the fig tree is the fruit that if used regularly successfully works to reduce the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

In ancient times were known about 30 species of figs, today are known more than 600, all equally delicious and healthy.

Figs contain large amounts of calcium and potassium, minerals that are important for bone health, skin and for the good functioning of many organs. Because of that figs are recommended, especially for the older population. They also boost metabolism as they are rich with organic fibers.They are also excellent for purification of the blood vessels.

Figs are an integral part of many diets, from the fact that they a great source of vitamins and minerals and have a low calorific value. Figs don’t have many calories, 100 grams of fresh figs have only 74 calories.

Dried figs are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, but apart from fresh, 100 grams of dried figs have 249 calories. A dry figs contain more calcium than cow’s milk also contains abundant vitamins and various minerals, which currently restores energy and positive effect on various diseases. A couple of figs can remove the anxiety and bad mood and will save you from turning over in bed when you cannot sleep.

It will improve your concentration and memory because it stimulates the exchange of substances in the brain, and simultaneously removes fatigue.

If you are anemic you should know that dry fig, because copper and iron which contains, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

Here is some nutritional information that may surprise you and will motivate you more to include figs in the diet:

  1. This can be your first surprise: figs help build stronger bones! They contain the basic building ingredients of bone: a trio consisting of magnesium, calcium and vitamin K2. Calcium without magnesium is inert,and without vitamin K2 calcium can depart from the bone and enter the blood,where can create crystals and sediments in blood vessels.
  2. Figs are good for heart health. With minimizing the sediment of calcium in blood vessels, magnesium and potassium from the figs are essential for maintaining heart health and normal blood pressure.
  3. Figs are a rich source of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps slow digestion and make you feel full. Also, help regulate blood sugar. And helping to manage the syndrome “irritable bowel”. The insoluble fiber in turn, assist in cleaning the waste from the colon and thus eliminate constipation. Both types of fiber are a great combination for the regulation of body weight.
  4. Figs help in reducing the level of serum triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides are considered as relevant markers in the diagnosis of heart disease, obesity and cholesterol.
  5. Dry figs are on top of the top list of dry fruits rich in antioxidant phenol. This antioxidant has been shown as an excellent means of improving the eyesight and even more efficient than some antioxidants found in vegetables like carrots.
  6.  Figs belong to an alkaline group of foods, which helps the body maintain its optimum 7,0-7,4 pH value.
  7.  Figs contain a high percentage of iron, a mineral that helps in the creation of red blood cells and prevent anemia. Pregnant women instead of munching pickles and chocolate, should eat more dried figs.

Here are some more interesting facts about figs:

Some cultures believe that eating the leaves of the fig tree, reduces the need for insulin injections for diabetics.

Figs are considered reliable laxative because of the large amount of cellulose they contain. Small seeds in fruit stimulate peristaltic wave bowel movements, which facilitates their discharge of faeces and keeps the digestive canal clean.

healthy fig juice
healthy fig juice

Macular degeneration or loss of vision can be prevented by eating figs.

Figs contain antioxidants as carotenoids, lutein and tannins. Contain also antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A, E and K. Together, these phytochemical components protect against cancer, diabetes, degenerative diseases and infections.

Fig leaf proves effective for lowering triglycerides, reducing the risk of heart disease and inhibits the growth of some cancer cells.