Best diet for 2014 is called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, which regulates blood pressure, assessed nutritionists.

Based on the analysis, they made a list of 32 healthiest diets published by US News, and we presented to you the top ten.

1. DASH diet regulates blood pressure, and the basic idea is to limit your intake of salt and fat, especially saturated acids. Caloric intake is determined by age and physical fitness.

dash diet
dash diet

2. TLC diet (therapeutic lifestyle change) is based on products that reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood cholesterol. Abounds with products that are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. Understanding menu with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and dairy products with low-fat, fish and poultry. The program includes regular physical activity – at least 30 minutes a day.

3. Diet of the “Mayo” clinic Menu rich in fruits and vegetables. Calories are not considered, while experts estimate that helps maintain the desired weight. The essence of this diet consists of proper nutrition in the clinic “Mayo,” with emphasis on the type of product, not the quantity.

mayo clinic diet
mayo clinic diet

4. The Mediterranean diet is rich in healthy fats (olive, fish), and is characterized with very little input of saturated and bad fats, and foods high in cholesterol. The basis of this diet is the Mediterranean food pyramid that is very similar to the classic food pyramid.

5. Diet “viewers weight” – This diet besides weight loss enables and enjoying with food and combining the products of your choice. The only rule to which you should adhere is a certain number of points per day. Namely, every day is allowed to eat food in value of the point of the day, which in turn depends on your weight, or how much you want to lose your weight.

The points are per calorific and nutritional value. An important part of the program constitutes the special support once a week where members share information about losing pounds and healthy habits.

volumetrics diet
volumetrics diet

6. “Flexitarian” diet – This diet is compared with vegetarian diet, because the emphasis is on fruits, vegetables, cereals and products of plant origin. Although animal proteins are shed, meat is not completely off.

7. “Volumetrics” diet is designed for people who are difficult to adhere to a rigorous diet and are not used to small portions. It is based on products with low energy density. So, instead of eating foods rich in fat that will saturate you, and increasing the calories, it is better to satisfy hunger with larger quantities of vegetables and products with low energy density.

8. Diet “Jenny Craig” is based on the simplicity and the differences of the nutrition. No attention to calories, you eat ready food in frozen form. The diet actually is a commercial program on which work consultants and portion-controlled, to help people with weight loss and a healthier diet.

ornish diet
ornish diet

9. Diet “The Biggest Loser” is based on a low-calorie diet. It is recommended four portions of fruits and vegetables, three portions of proteins, two portions of grains and one portion of fatty foods. This diet primarily relates to weight loss.

10. Diet “Ornish” – It consists of three parts – the food that should always be eaten, occasional foods you should eat and which foods should be avoided. It is based on a low intake of fat, and the goal of this diet plan is weight loss, prevention and control of heart disease.

Tip Plus:

Turbo diet: get a flat stomach for three days

Effective diet lasts only three days, on three meals a day and the total intake of up to 1,000 calories. For three days you have to lose one an half to two kilograms. If you want to lose more weight, repeat diet after a break of seven days.

Each of the three days in the diet has its diet menu from which you must not deviate. Between meals are not allowed. Tea and coffee without sugar and additives are allowed.

turbo diet
turbo diet

First day

Breakfast – a piece of toasted bread, 1 teaspoon dietary margarine and two boiled eggs. (270 calories)

Lunch – 150 grams of cooked chicken (white meat), 50 grams of lettuce, 50 grams of mushrooms, radishes, spoon of mustard and teaspoon of ren. It is allowed teaspoon of olive oil for salad. (290 calories)

Dinner – 100 grams of spaghetti, hot peppers, teaspoon of olive oil, black pepper and garlic clove. (300 calories)

Second day

Breakfast – a piece of toasted bread, teaspoon of dietary margarine, 30 grams of low-fat cheese, 1 egg, tea with a teaspoon of honey. (270 calories)

Lunch – 50 grams of cooked rice, 100 grams of mushrooms, 100 grams of zucchini, 150 grams of carrot, 1 tomato, 40g of peas, teaspoon of olive oil, 40 ml soap, pepper. Boil the rice, and chop the champignons, zucchini, carrot and tomato,and sweat them with peas. Add the rice, soup and black pepper. (350 calories)

Dinner – Chicken salad (270 calories). Prepare from 1 tomato, half an apple, 2 teaspoons of herbal ointment, balsamic vinegar, 70 grams of chicken, 40 grams of lettuce. Chop the tomatoes, apples and simmer them in a teaspoon of herbal fat, salt, add black pepper and add balsamic (vinegar). Chop the white chicken and bake it on the rest of herbal fat.

Third day

Breakfast – Fruit “muesli” (350 calories). Half kiwi, 1 mandarin, a nut, three tablespoons of low-fat cheese, 40 grams of cornflakes and 50 grams of milk. Chop the ingredients, add the cornflakes and eventually milk. (300 calories)

Lunch – 150 grams of salmon, lemon juice, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 250 grams cooked spinach, a slice of toasted bread. (350 calories)

Dinner – potatoes with low-fat cheese. 200 grams of cooked potato, 100 grams of lean white cheese, 30 grams of cream, black pepper,1tomato.Mix the cheese, sour cream, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Serve the potatoes with finely chopped tomato and mixtures made of cheese and sour cream. (300 calories)

Safe For Later – Most Effective Diets Selected By Nutritionists
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