Acerola – Benefits Of Indian Cherry
The fruit of Acerola is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. The most recent clinical studies show that this cherry contains eight times more vitamin C than oranges.
Acerola (Malphighia glabra) is a fruit tree that grows up to five meters high and gives fruit in the form of light red cherries. It is also known as the native Indian cherry tree. Mature fruits are juicy and soft and have a pleasant sharp flavor. Naturally grown in North and South America, Barbados and Jamaica.
The fruit of acerola is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. This vitamin is slowly decomposed in the body because it is in a retard form that allows prolonged supply of the body with the necessary doses of vitamin C.
Acerola also contains more than twice magnesium, pantothenic acid and potassium than an orange. It also contains vitamin A (408-1000 IU in 100 grams), thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.

According to the analysis carried out in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology fruits grown in Barbados contain 4500 mg of ascorbic acid in the retard form (green), 3300 mg (medium ripe), 2000 mg (very mature).
The level of ascorbic acid in green cherries comes to 4676 mg in 100 grams.
Acerola extract is used against colds, flu, infections, as the liver stimulant, diuretic, supports the heart and helps in healing wounds. It is also used for anemia, diabetes, high cholesterol, liver problems, rheumatism, tuberculosis, external wounds, swelling and helps to strengthen the immune system and general recovery of the body.
The use of acerola is mainly based on its high concentration of vitamin C, that in alternative medicine is used as a powerful antioxidant.
Acerola also contains mineral salts that help to revitalize tired and stress skin, slows aging of cells, maintains capillaries and contains proteins that moisturizes the skin.
Effects and use:
Great antioxidant, it has a naturally high concentration of vitamin C to fight free radicals.
Against flu and colds, cough and sore throat – strengthens the immune system.
For the feeding and care of the skin – slows aging because of its rich vitamin content.
Strengthens the heart and maintain it in healthy condition.
It has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
It has diuretic capabilities and is used against dysentery, fever and diarrhea.
Lowers high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Generally improves and maintains health in optimal function of the whole organism.
According to Kate B. Forsyth writer for Be Healthy Today, Acerola Cherry has great amount of benefits in helping the immune system, reducing the risk of cancer, slowing down the release of sugar in the bloodstream, preventing cardiovascular diseases and lot more. You can read about these in her article: Acerola Cherry: Nutrition Content, Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects.